These days people can be understandably worried about having too many credit cards, but not many people realize you can also have too few credit cards as well.
The truth is that managing credit debt, credit scores, and using credit cards responsibly can be complicated work. However, there are some general financial rules that you…
Most people ignore the credit card offers they get in the mail every week… but maybe you shouldn’t. After all, some of those offers might come with 0% introductory APR, 0% fee balance transfers, and other advantages that can help you manage your credit card debt.
Knowing how to take advantage of a 0% credit…
Choosing the right credit card for your situation is incredibly important. Not only can different interest rates, credit limits, and rewards make a huge impact on your financial future, even the rewards type can matter a lot.
So which type of credit card is better, rewards or cashback? Well, the truth is that there isn't…
Finding the best credit card is part art, part science.
No single credit card is better than all others in all categories — or for all people. But by understanding your options and asking the right questions, you can find the card that's the best fit for your spending habits and credit situation.
Follow these four steps to…